Customer testimonials

"A near perfect example of a business-driven IT project that clearly delivers in all areas. It demonstrates passionate and competent delivery from a small organisation, which surely has a bright future."

David Clarke, CEO, British Computer Society

"It was a pleasure to collaboratively work with ToukanLabs to build NOCI, and their ability to work with those resistant to change was excellent. The resulting workflow solution addressed important deficits in the management of the Intra-government Communications Network (ICON) as a Whole-of-Government asset."

Helen Thomsett, Assistant Secretary, Technical Services Branch, Department of Finance

"ToukanLabs responded to calls for support quickly and are clear on when and what would be delivered – delivering on time. They have also been able to adapt to the way our organisation works, and work with the business areas and internal IT specialists to develop and deliver an effective and value for money solution."

Kate Steer, Assistant Director, Business Optimisation Section, Department of the Environment and Energy