Diagnosis and Drill Down
The Diagnosis Profile Report shows the number of patients that have a diagnosis.
The names of these diagnoses listed in the first layer are common ophthalmic disorders for the relevant subspeciality. All other disorders not mentioned in the common list will fall into the 'Other' bin. By clicking into the bar labelled 'Other', further details can be seen.
One click on the diagnoses bar will lead you to a list of all patients with that diagnosis.
Change In Vision
The Change In Vision plot will show the change in visual activity, the change in intraocular pressure (IOP) or change in central retinal thickness (CRT).
The OEScape provides a summary for each patient for a specific subspeciality. Currently, OEScape is available in three subspecialties: cataract, medical retina and glaucoma.
Medical Retina
- For Medical Retina plots, MR relevant data is shown on the left hand side and images are displayed on the right hand side of the screen
- The Line chart in MR scape displays the data changes of central retinal thickness and visual acuity values over time
- By hovering your mouse over the timeline on the left hand side, the images extracted from OCT dicom images can be viewed. It shows the OCT image of a patient’s eye at each given time plot
- At the very bottom of screen of the Medical Retina scape, there is a plot of each injection time
Currently, there are three plots within the Glaucoma OEscape, they are medication plot, IOP plot and visual acuity plot.
- Cataract OEScape plots visual acuity data over time. The vertical dashed lines indicate procedures, and which may affect the values
- The unit scale of visual acuity can be changed in CA and MR plots. The default unit Snellen Metre