May 2019 – Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress 2019

ToukanLabs exhibited OpenEyes™ at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) Annual Congress 2019, held in Glasgow, Scotland.

Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress 2019

At the congress besides hosting a stall, we also hosted in collaboration with ABEHR, CGI and Apperta Foundation an event showcasing the latest updates on OpenEyes. It was a wonderful and insightful opportunity to meet with those at the forefront of the ophthalmology in Scotland. We would like to thank everyone for their enthusiasm and interest in the product throughout the congress. It was a pleasure connecting with the UK's clinical community!

OpenEyes™ is a leading open source Electronic Patient Record for ophthalmology. It has been developed with contributions from hospitals, institutions, companies and clinicians, and offers a full suite of ophthalmology-specific workflows, subspecialty-based clinical dashboards and fast interactive diagrams.

For those who are interested in finding out more about OpenEyes™, please visit https://openeyes.org.uk or register through the following link to access a demo environment and try for yourself…

We look forward to meeting more of you at the RCOphth Annual Congress in Birmingham in 2020!